
My Reading List

April 30, 2020
open book with flowers and drink

I love seeing what other people are reading (most of these came from peoples’ recommendations) and so thought it would be fun to share my reading list. One of my 2020 goals was to read one book a month and with this extra time we have right now, I find myself reading more and enjoying it that much more as well. Perhaps because it feels like an escape of some sort. I’m also a diehard paper book reader (no tablets or kindles for me!) and so putting away all digital devices for a period of time instantly calms me down.

I’ve already read the first three and I can give you my quick two cents. ‘The Wives’ was the perfect quick, easy to read thriller though I was slightly disappointed by the ending (no spoilers though!). I loved ‘You are a Badass’. I actually haven’t finished it yet and I’m already planning on reading from the start again and bookmarking certain pages. There were just so many good nuggets in there that I could really benefit from going back to. I just finished ‘Where the Crawdads Sing’ and I’m putting it in my top favourite books! It was so beautifully written and tugged at my heartstrings in so many ways. I’ve started reading The Silent Patient and it seems to be another easy to read thriller. It’s pretty dark and I’m debating holding off until we’re in lighter times.

If you’re reading this, I’d love to know what’s on your book list for the year! Please let me know in the comments below!

The Wives
You are a Badass
Where the Crawdads Sing
The Silent Patient
Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine
She Said
The Dutch House
Wild Game
The One Thing
Little Fires Everywhere
Know My Name
The Futures

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